
MAN/ mon 26. august kl 19.30


Et fyrverkeri av et program
A firework of a program

CATHARINA & SARA CHEN, fiolin/ violin

Et større fyrverkeri av et program skal du lete lenge etter, når de energiske søstrene Chen inntar scenen med

verker med et stort spenn - fra Brahms til Piazzolla.

A greater firework of a program would be difficult to find, when the energetic Chen sisters take the stage with works of great variety - from Brahms to Piazolla.




Norwegian Halling

S. PROKOFJEV (1891-1953)
Sonata for two violins op. 56

G. FAURÉ (1845-1924)
Apres un reves Op.7

N. RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (1844-1908)
Flight of the Bumble Bee

M. RAVEL (1875-1937)

A. PIAZZOLLA (1921-1992)

M. M. PONCE (1882-1948)

F. CHOPIN (1810-1849)
Waltz Brilliante in A flat Major, op 35

D. SJOSTAKOVITSJ (1906-1975)
5 Pieces for two violins,
Arranged by Lewon Atovmyan
(Dance of the Milkmaid and the Tractor Driver, fra balletten The Limpid Stream)

A. PÄRT (1935-)
Excerpts from Fratres

J.S BACH (1685-1750)
Partita no. 3 in E major, BWV 1006: 1. Preludio

E. YSAYE (1858-1931)
Sonata no.2 in A minor: Obsession, Prélude, Poco vivace

J. BRAHMS (1833-1897)
From the F-A-E sonata: Scherzo

P. SARASATE (1844-1908)
Navarra Op.33

O. BULL (1810-1880)
Sæterjentens Søndag
Andante Maestoso

G. GERSHWIN (1898-1937)
Arr. Jascha Heifetz
From Porgy and Bess:
Summertime and A Woman Is a Sometime Thing

E. GRIEG (1843-1907)
Folkelivsbilder Op 19 No.3 Karneval

W. KROLL (1901-1980)
Banjo & Fiddle

J. HALVORSEN (1864-1935)
Norwegian dance No.1



CATHARINA CHEN blir regnet for å være en av Norges fremste klassiske musikere, og har vært ansatt som 1. konsertmester i Operaorkestret på Den Norske Opera & Ballett siden 2012. Catharina er en

allsidig musiker som elsker variasjon innen sitt yrke.

Catharina startet å spille fiolin som fem-åring med sin far, og har siden åtte års-alderen hatt solistoppdrag med flere symfoniorkestrene som Oslo Filharmoniske Orkester, DNO&B Operaorkester, Kringkastingsorkestret, Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester, Trondheim Symfoniorkester, ZKO-Zuricher Chamber Orchestra, Shanghai Symfoniorkester og Beverly Hills Symphony Orchestra.

Hun har opptrådt som solist på scener som Concertgebouw i Amsterdam, Mozarteum Grosse Hall i Salzburg, Carnegie Hall i New York, Kimmel Center i Philadelphia og Disney Concert Hall i Los Angeles.

Catharina har også gjestet flere TV- og radioprogrammer, blant annet som jury medlem under NRK programmet ”Virtuos” i 2022, og andre programmer som Kjempesjansen, Lindmo og Kvelden før Kvelden.

Mellom 1993-2004 utdannet hun seg ved Barratt Dues Musikkinstitutt med Alf Richard Kraggerud og Stephan Barratt-Due. Fra 2005-2009 studerte hun med professor Eduard Schmieder i Southern Methodist University i Dallas og Temple University i Philadelphia, hvor hun fullførte sitt kunstner diplom og mastergrad.

I høst 2021 fremførte hun Thomas Adés’ fiolinkonsert, Concentric Paths, sammen med Opera Orkesteret. Noen måneder senere gav hun sin første Ted Talk om inspirasjon. I desember 2021 fikk hun et ærefullt oppdrag der hun opptrådte under Nobel Fredspris Utdeling sammen med Håvard Gimse, og fikk en ny invitasjon året etter der hun bl.a opptrådte med Astrid S. Samme uken spilte hun for Hillary Clinton under et privat arrangement.

I 2023 ble Catharina en del av det kunstneriske rådet i Nesset Musikkfest.

I tillegg til hennes stilling som 1. konsertmester i Operaorkesteret, er hun en del av det nye “Musikerkollektivet” til Det Norske Kammerorkester (stiftet i 2020) og “Creative Talent” i The Global Ensemble.

Catharina Chen spiller på en Antoni Stradivari "Emiliani, Da Russo" (Cremona, 1723), utlånt av Leif Høegh Stiftelse.

CATHARINA CHEN is considered to be one of Norway's leading classical musicians, and has been employed as 1st concertmaster in the Opera Orchestra at Den Norske Opera & Ballett since 2012. Catharina is a versatile musician who loves variety in her profession.

Catharina started playing the violin at the age of five with her father, and since the age of eight has had solo assignments with several symphony orchestras such as the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, DNO&B Opera Orchestra, Kringkastingsorkestret, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra, ZKO-Zurich Chamber Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the Beverly Hills Symphony Orchestra.

She has performed as a soloist on stages such as the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Mozarteum Grosse Hall in Salzburg, Carnegie Hall in New York, the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia and the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles.

Catharina has also been a guest on several TV and radio programmes, including as a jury member for the NRK program "Virtuos" in 2022, and other programs such as Kjempesjansen, Lindmo and Kvelden før Kvelden.

Between 1993-2004 she studied at Barratt Due's Music Institute with Alf Richard Kraggerud and Stephan Barratt-Due. From 2005-2009 she studied with Professor Eduard Schmieder at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and Temple University in Philadelphia, where she completed her Artist Diploma and Master's degree.

In autumn 2021, she performed Thomas Adés' violin concerto, Concentric Paths, together with the Opera Orchestra. A few months later, she gave her first Ted Talk about inspiration. In December 2021, she received an honorable assignment where she performed during the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony together with Håvard Gimse, and received a new invitation the following year where she also performed with Astrid S. The same week, she played for Hillary Clinton during a private event.

In 2023, Catharina became a part of the Artistic board of Nesset Musikkfest.

In addition to her position as 1st concertmaster in the Opera Orchestra, she is part of the new "Musician Collective" of the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra (founded in 2020) and "Creative Talent" in The Global Ensemble.

Catharina Chen plays an Antoni Stradivari "Emiliani, Da Russo" (Cremona, 1723), lent by the Leif Høegh Foundation.

SARA CHEN (f. 1990) startet sin musikalske reise som 5-åring med pianoundervisning hos Synøve Løchen før hun senere fulgte sin far og søsters fotspor og begynte å spille fiolin.

I 2016 fullførte hun sin Master i utøvende musikk ved München Hochschule für Musik und Teater med Professor Christoph Poppen. I perioden 2011-2014 fullførte hun sitt Performers Diploma ved det anerkjente Indiana University Jacobs School of Music med Professor Mauricio Fuks. Bachelorgraden har hun fra Barratt Due Musikkinstitutt med Professor Stephan Barratt-Due.

Hun har nå base i Norge og jobber som Konsertmester II i Kringkastingsorkesteret. En stor lidenskap er å gjøre musikken interessant for barn og unge, og å bryte med den tradisjonelle konsertformen. Sara er også en del av Musikerkollektivet for Det Norske Kammerorkesteret, samtidig som hun får gjøre mange spennende kammermusikk- og solokonserter, både i Norge og i utlandet.

Hun har vært solist med de største orkestrene i Norge, og deltatt på en rekke festivaler og konserter, fra Festspillene i Bergen til iPalpiti i Los Angeles og Konserthuset i Shanghai. Som solist vant Sara sin første internasjonale pris som 13-åring: Virtuos prisen i Gnessin internasjonale konkurranse i Moskva. Hun har siden den tid fått flere priser og utmerkelser både nasjonalt og internasjonalt.

Sara spiller på en Gagliano fra 1714 på sjenerøst utlån fra DextraMusica.

SARA CHEN (born 1990) started her musical journey at the age of 5, taking piano lessons from Synøve Løchen, before following in her father’s and sister’s footsteps by learning to play the violin. Already at the age of 7, she performed as a soloist with the Bærum Symphony Orchestra.

In 2016, she finished her master’s degree in music performance at the Munich University of Music and Performing Arts, under professor Christoph Poppen. During the years 2011-2014, she studied for her Perfomer’s Diploma at the renowned Indiana University Jacob’s School of Music, under professor Mauricio Fuks. She has her bachelor’s degree from the Barratt Due Institute of Music, where she studied with professor Stephan Barratt-Due.

She is now based in Norway, working as a freelance musician for Concerts Norway, Oslo Camerata, and The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, as well as doing chamber music projects and soloist engagements. She has appeared as a soloist with several orchestras, such as the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Kristiansand and Tromsø Symphony Orchestras, Gjøvik and Romerike Symphony Orchestra, Barratt Due Symphony Orchestra and Oslo Symphony Orchestra. Together with her sister Catharina, she has performed at the Bergen International Festival, playing for the Norwegian king and queen, and giving four concerts to standing ovations and great critical acclaim. She has also performed as a soloist at festivals such as the Hardanger Music Festival, Lofoten Festival and iPalpiti in Los Angeles, to name but a few.

As a soloist, Sara won her first international prize at the age of 13: The Virtuoso Prize in the 3rd Gnessin International Competition in Moscow. Three years later she won 1st prize and the Special prize in the Remember Enescu International Competition in Romania. In Norway, she has won the 1st prize in the National Youth Competition, both as a soloist and as a chamber musician. She has also won the Chamber music prize for Outstanding performance at the Summit Music Festival in New York, in addition to numerous prizes and scholarships.

She has also made herself renowned through numerous TV performances. Owing to her Chinese roots, she has been active in collaborations between Norway and China. Together with the flutist Steinar Ofsdal, she has given several concerts and tours in Norway, Singapore and China. In 2010, Sara and Catherina Chen premiered a symphonic poem for two violins, “The Moon”, written for them by the composer Martin Romberg, at the World Fair, Expo, in Shanghai, followed by a tour of China. After excellent reviews and public acclaim, they were reinvited to perform the work at the Spring Festival 2011 in Shanghai.

Sara is a well-traveled musician, with concerts and tours to for example Brazil and Spain with the Oslo Camerata, and to China, Slovenia, Slovakia, New York and Los Angeles as a soloist. She has formerly been a student of Anne-Berit Halvorsen and Alf Richard Kraggerud, and she has participated in master classes by several renowned national and international violinists.

OLE CHR HAAGENRUD er en av de mest ettertraktede pianister i Norge. Han har diplomeksamen fra Musikkhøgskolen i Oslo hvor han studerte med professor Jens Harald Bratlie og Håvard Gimse. In 2014 debuterte han i Aulaen, Oslo, og ble tildelt den prestisjefylte Robert Levin festivalpris.. In 2017 vant han en plass i ArtEx, et cross-sjanger program etablert av Talent Norge og Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, et program som fokuserer på karriere utvikling og kunstnerisk integritet. Ole Christian er en kritikerrost kammermusiker og akkompagnatør og deltar ofte under større festivaler i Norge og utlandet. Han har allerede mottatt en rekke utmerkelser. Blant høydepunkter i sin karriere så langt nevnes solist med Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, KORK, og Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra. Han har også spilt i Concertgebouw i Amsterdam, Vienna Musikverein, Kennedy Center in Washington DC og Shanghai Concert Hall.

OLE CHR HAAGENRUD (born 1989) is one of the most sought after young pianists in Norway. He earned his Artist Diploma from the Norwegian Academy of Music under professors Jens Harald Bratlie and Håvard Gimse. In 2014, the year of his debut concert in the University Aula in Oslo, he was awarded the prestigious Robert Levin Festival Prize. In 2017 he gained a place in ArtEx, a cross-genre programme established by Talent Norge and Sparebankstiftelsen DNB focusing on developing careers and artistic integrity. Ole Christian is a critically acclaimed chamber musician and accompanist, and he regularly performs at major festivals in Norway and abroad. He has already received numerous awards. Among highlights of his career so far are solo performances with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, the Norwegian Radio Orchestra and the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra. He has also appeared at at prestigious venues such as the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Vienna Musikverein, the Kennedy Center in Washington DC and Shaai Concert Hall.


konsert Info


CATHARINA & SARA CHEN, fiolin/ violin


MAN/ MON 26. AUG 2024
kl 19.30


billett Info

Voksen/ Adult

NOK 395


NOK 200

Barn/ Child

NOK 200

Bergen Card

NOK 325



er hovedbygningen til Norges første slott, bygd mellom 1247 og 1261...

Håkonshallen, the main building in Norway's first castle, built between 1247 and 1261 ...

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